specialise in printed paper bags, plain paper bags, luxury paper bags that are affordable to help reinforce a company’s brand message and stand out from the crowd. With that in mind, they asked us to produce an identity and new website that did this for them.
Given the slightly utilitarian nature of purchasing paper bags, company owners Mailmarque wanted to buck this trend and create a new identity which felt like a crossover between tech startup and a personalised gift company, to help engage customers and ultimately highlight to companies that by having bespoke packaging they would in turn better engage with their customers.

Making Paper Bags Exciting
One of the key thoughts early on that we hooked into was vibrancy and sharpness within the logomark and treatment in order to convey the exacting and standout nature of their printing services. Pairing a subtle matt blue with a vibrant but complimentary electric teal really helps the key message of the logo pop, and accompanying this with an approachable and geometric font brings this all together on one unified identity.
Product Imagery and Processing

Bringing the Brand to Life
As a new venture within the existing company, and being mindful of their budgets, we employed a Shopify theme as a baseplate, applying the new brand, styling the theme to best suit their demographic, and gave full training and support (as this was their first ever e-commerce website).
Using the product photography we shot, and creating infographic diagrams for artwork upload guidance, we helped take from initial concept to a fully functioning e-commerce website in a matter of weeks.

“This was such a fun project to work on and literally a blank canvas. The parent company being a family business like ours meant we all we’re on the same page right from the get go.”
Jon Dodd, Design Partner at Alloneword
External credits and collaborators:
Shopify theme: Archtype Themes