Crowle Preschool
With a team of dedicated and experienced staff, Crowle Pre-School provides high quality early years education based on learning through play in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment, and they asked us to create a simple and approachable website to communicate that.
Crowle wanted to bring out the fun, friendliness and welcoming nature of their childcare. They’re also surrounded in a beautiful countryside setting, so wanted to bring out the theme of nature as much as possible. Having had their new logo commissioned by an illustrator, we helped refine and widen that to a colour palette and hierarchy, and typographic ruleset. The end result is a warm and soft website which invites parents and guardians into their wonderful pre-school.
Redefining the User into the Parent/Guardian
By first conducting an on-site day to see the pre-school first hand and run a UX workshop, we gathered all stakeholders and senior staff in the room to help define the UX task ahead of us, with a focus on user personas and measurable project objectives.
The main outcome from this meeting was the need to reassure and calm nervous parents and guardians for whom they are leaving their first born outside of their care for the first time, so making the website feel as personable as possible was key. Crowle is run by people, people who care, and we wanted to show that.
From there, we wire-framed and designed a series of key pages, before building out the site and deploying onto a new hosting environment.
Start a project like this“They came to us as family member was a trustee and trusted us. It’s always great to do work for someone that resinates with our family life. So doing Crowle Preschool was perfect for us to collaborate on.”
Erica Dodd, Operations Partner at Alloneword
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External credits and collaborators:
Top banner photo:
Testimonial banner photo: Michael Morse