Workshops and Training
Using our years of experience within the web and brand, we regularly conduct training sessions and workshops for clients as apart of a larger body of work. If you’re looking to book internal training day to help bring staff up to speed, or would like to allocate some time to help structure a workshop session with your approach to digital or company outreach.

Digital Content
Where a current site already exists, a logical first step is first reviewing what content is on the site, what it’s saying, and if it’s all fluid. An audit gives an overview of where holes are and where work should start.
Alloneword workshops should open up discussion about content, whether it’s required, if it’s in the right place, and if its title is descriptive enough for what it contains. User scenarios and project goals should also heavily influence this session.
View more content strategy services
Brand Personification
Turning a brand into a person helps give that elusive ‘feel’ for who your company is, but also helps as a reference point for future decisions. If your company was a person, how would they talk, interact with customers and dress? Setting this out might feel like over zealous storytelling, but executed well, is a key method in aligning a brand to a company.
View more branding services
User Experience
Users need to be able to enter the site, conduct their task and meet their goal, and leave, ideally without the thought of the fact they were on a ‘website’ ever in their head. They should just interact and consume content. In that regard, the website itself should be invisible. With that in mind, UX (user experience) design is heavily grounded in understanding users and their needs, the content being presented, and most importantly the goals of the website.
Alloneword have a variety of training sessions around UX and the web, from our staple ‘Introduction to UX’ workshop, all the way through to bespoke training packages for individuals and teams.
View more UX services
Shopify Training
Alloneword are proud to be accredited Shopify Experts in both design and development since 2017, and as such offer a range of training packages, from simple setup to improving conversion rates.
We offer simple platform overviews, specific training around layouts and backend settings, and even coding workshops to help you learn Shopify’s Liquid programming language for yourself.
View more Shopify services